
Around the world in 80 years (give or take).

Monday, October 24, 2005

Electronic leash, teaching, etc.

This weekend my friend James (the army chaplain) gave me his dad's old cellphone. Brandon, I apologize, I know it's technology and I will try not to trust it. For those of you who are in Korea, the number is 010-5838-2225. It's all in Korean, so I still haven't figured all of it out, like how to change the background picture from the current picture of a little Korean girl (I assume it's James' niece), or how to turn off some of the annoying sounds it makes.

In other news, my classes are generally going pretty well. I have one class of 11 and 12 year olds that's my favorite. We have a little story book that we read each class, and all of them are so desperate to be able to be the first one to read a page from it out loud. They also give me high-fives on the way out and each one says "Hello!" and smiles really big when I call roll.
On the other hand, the class I have after that is not quite so good. I always struggle to keep it under control, and today I got the distinct impression that my full name sounds like a bad word or something in Korean. I was talking about nicknames, and how they can be short for longer names, and when I said my full name, they all cracked up and kept repeating the last part and laughing. Who knew that something as simple as my name could bring them so much amusement? On top of that, my voice cracked during the class, which didn't help in restoring any sort of order. Of all my classes, it had to happen in that one. Thanks, vocal chords.

P.S. I forgot to mention in my first post that I also saw my friend Izzie (korean pronunciation: "E.G."- she'll probably be the most faithful reader of this blog) that first weekend. Seeing her was fun, we went to a restaurant and got this huge chicken dish that could have fed about 4 people, and then went and saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Seeing Izzie and eating Korean food was good, but honestly, I wasn't that impressed with the movie. I didn't really like Johnny Depp's performance/character, and you just can't improve on the original in my mind.


At 10/25/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, this is Aiko. Thanks for the e-mail. Yea, you`re welcome in Japan and I could find you a church homestay deal if u need a place to stay. In fact, Im living in this huge house(3 story) thing and I might be able to set you up somewhere in the house. Hey, so you`re going to be in Korea till fall? Theres a slight chance I`ll visit Korea sometime this year or early next year. Anyhow, Ill tell u when it happens.
Alrighty, see yA!


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